I have always been fascinated by Hemingway, as have many people. He is an Icon of American literature and an enemy of adjectives every where. His sparse writing form is as unique as Shakespeare's rhyme and meter. He carved out a form that reflected the man and in many ways The Sun Also Rises is also a strong reflection of the man (as is the Old Man and the Sea and many others)
.The following was posted by Garrison Keillor today, so it seems appropriate to post my review of The Sun Also Rises, which was one of my summer reads.
Today, July 21, is the birthday of Ernest Hemingway , born in Oak Park, Illinois (1899). He started his writing life as a journalist, but when he was in Paris after World War I, working as a foreign correspondent for theToronto Star, he was encouraged to take a more literary turn by other American writers like Scott Fitzgerald, Ezra Pound, and Gertrude Stein. His first collection of short stories, In Our Time, was published in 1925.
Both U.S. presidential candidates of 2008 cited Hemingway's For Whom the Bell Tolls (1940) as one of their favorite books. It's about an American teacher, Robert Jordan, who volunteers to go fight in the Spanish Civil War and, after being wounded in battle, contemplates shooting himself to end the pain. But when the enemy comes into sight, Jordan delays their approach so that his own comrades can escape to safety. And then he dies. Here's an excerpt from the first chapter of For Whom the Bell Tolls: "The young man, whose name was Robert Jordan, was extremely hungry and he was worried. He was often hungry but he was not usually worried because he did not give any importance to what happened to himself and he knew from experience how simple it was to move behind the enemy lines in all this country. It was as simple to move behind them as it was to cross through them, if you had a good guide. It was only giving importance to what happened to you if you were caught that made it difficult; that and deciding whom to trust. You had to trust the people you worked with completely or not at all, and you had to make decisions about the trusting. He was not worried about any of that. But there were other things." |
In this book we are brought to the same decadent Paris that we find in F Scott Fitzgerald's writing, but it is different for many reasons . First Hemingway does not involve his wives in this writing. His character - Jake - is a loner and lonely. An amateur psychologist might read in to the life of this character the loneliness that ultimate brought Hemingway to commit suicide.
This is a group of people bonded by their lifestyles and location, but in fact as we go through the story we find that the friendships are not based on liking one another. In fact, they can be quite cruel about the other associates and they seem to find more to like in the bottles of liquor, the quest for a meaningful relationship - which means going after each new possibility, and the blood and chaos of Pamplona and the bulls.
Spain and France are the locals and we are often treated to insights about their countryside, but the strength of the story is about the people. Each expresses anger and want in different ways depending upon their inebriation. And the glue to the group is actually a woman - Brett, who we are led to believe is extremely desirable. Her problem is that men are easy [ain't that the truth] and so they mate, the part, they follow her and she finds new conquests like the Spanish bullfighter even while planning to marry or spend time with one of the others. She is on a constant quest and her inability to define the goals of her quest mean that she will continue to be unfulfilled, even though she and Jake actually are the truest if unfulfilled love relationship.
The is about Gertrude Stein's "lost generation". A group too affluent for their own good and without a purpose. In one telling paragraph Jake, the narrator, tells us about the Jewish Cohn. "He had been reading W. H. Hudson. That sounds like an innocent occupation, but Cohn had read and reread "The Purple Land." "The Purple Land" is a very sinister book if read too late in life. It recounts splendid imaginary amorous adventures of a perfectly English gentleman in an intensely romantic land, the scenery of which is very well described. For a man to take it at thirty-four as a guide-book to what life holds is about as safe as it would be for a man of the same age to enter Wall Street direct from a French convent, equipped with a complete set of the more practical Alger books."
Brett was Jake's "The Purple Land".
"Probably I never would have had any trouble if I hadn't run into Brett when they shipped me to England. I suppose she only wanted what she could not have. Well, people were that way. To hell with people. The Catholic Church had an awfully good way of handling all that. Good advice anyway. Not to think about it. Oh, it was swell advice. Try and take it sometime. Try and take it."
We are given the hint that something happened to Jake in the war that made it so he could not have sex and this meant he could not or would not take in Brett. Yet they constantly found that they needed the touch-stone of the other's presence.
Each flawed character was searching and forgetting:
"It was amazing champagne.
"'I say that is wine,' Brett held up her glass. 'We ought to toast something. - Here's to royalty."
"'This wine is too good for toast-drinking, my dear. You don't want to mix emotions up with a wine like that. You lose the taste.'
"Brett's glass was empty."
In another passage the following lament seems to be an honest assessment of the people who fill the narrative: "You're an expatriate. You've lost touch with the soil. You get precious. Fake European standards have ruined you. You drink yourself to death. You become obsessed by sex. You spend all your time talking, not working. You are an expatriate, see? You hang around cafes."
And they do. It is a story in which the bars and cafes are equally anonymous, but are the true points of connection - the dots that outline the picture. It is a story that does not satisfy. It is not leading to some moral understanding or grand climax, but it is a slice of a life we can be fascinated by, but probably never be able to replicate.
enotes - introduces the book:

Mike, I'm reading and loving Paula McLain's "The Paris Wife." Am planning to read "Hemingway's Boat" and "A Moveable Feast" and reread "The Sun Also Rises" next. What nice timing to read your insightful review. Thanks, Steve www.wilbers.com