Tuesday, October 11, 2011

James Buchanan, Jean Baker

Job opening: President of the United States


1.      State legislator in his 20’s

2.      U.S. House of representatives

3.      U. S. Senator

4.      Secretary of State

5.      Ambassador to Great Britain

6.      Successful lawyer

7.      Rich land owner rising from log cabin poor childhood.

I think we have a match. 

And the result – without dispute one of the worst four presidents in history and by most accounts – the worst.  Having seen a number of dreadful individuals fill the post during my lifetime (including one of the four worst – Nixon) is seems impossible to be this bad.  But he was.  By the way the other two bad guys – Harding and Pierce.  With Millard Fillmore and Ulysses Grant right behind (and of course I would put W there too).

He was from Pennsylvania.  The only bachelor president – With some evidence that he might have been our only gay president which is an insult to the gay community. He had no sense of humor and having been single all his life, he never learned how to listen and compromise with other opinions.  He was dogmatic, insistent and a failure.

During his reign he had the Mormon uprising in Utah which required troops to come in after the Mormons intentionally attacked and massacred a wagon train (disguised rather poorly as Indians) but he would not intervene in Kansas where he was insisting on let the new state be a slave state despite popular vote and a state constitution that said no slavery.  He was insistent.

He worked behind the scenes on the horrible Dred Scott case influencing the Supreme Court case that essentially said a slave – even a former slave was an object, not a human and therefore had no rights.

He also plotted to acquire Cuba so that it could come in as the 16th slave state.  And he owned no slaves never/ever.  However he did like the snobbery of the southern aristocrats and adopted it in the mansion home he lived in in PN.

He also wanted to send troops to Northern Mexico, but by that time it was obvious this was a one termer and congress refused to hear him.  Far in advance of Modern presidents overstepping their war power limits – Buchanan was looking for preemptive authorization from congress in the 1850’s.  He even sent a military expedition to Paraguay.

He essentially left office after four years of setting the US up for civil war.  His one positive was dismantling the Democratic Party (which certainly was not liberal in those days) for failure and setting the stage for Lincoln to be elected in the new Republican Party (which was liberal in those days).

And of course, his cabinet was corrupt too.  The Secretary of War John Floyd undersold Fort Snelling (MN) to a consortium of investors who happened to include some of his personal friends. 

His administration suffered the ignominy of a pre-impeachment investigation, but much to the surprise of the public who became shocked at the level of the graft – there was no impeachment resolution. In the final months of his presidency Buchanan did nothing to reign in S. Carolina when is seceded and in fact would have given up Fort Sumter and Moultrie is Northern cabinet members had not interceded.

He handed over information, gave full access and did nothing to restrain the confederate southerners.

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