Sunday, March 17, 2013

Insane City by Dave Barry

Dave Barry brings the craziness of Miami and the myriad strange characters together in a wonderful zany slapstick novel.   If you are a fan of Hiaasen’s novels like me, you will love this one.
The premise is that a good looking young man who has never really accomplished anything, never taken a stand, never got good grades and never got a good job is getting married at the Ritz Carlton on Biscayne Bay to a gorgeous and extremely rich woman who has been spending her well-financed life fighting for causes.
Seth arrives with his “groom posse” who are intent on him having a wonderful pre-wedding fling and Tina arrives with her entourage – super rich and no fun mom and dad, caterers, hairstylists, wedding planers and on and on – all flown in from around the world:  Plus her sister who is mostly known for smoking pot and doing nothing.
The groom party that he does not want goes awry.  The groom ends up with a friend who is wearing a 9 foot long live boa and a woman in a dress that barely squeezes in to the definition of a dress and then finds a stripper in his suite followed by her pimp boyfriend.  Seemingly helpless in the midst of all these events Seth rescues a woman and her two children who are fleeing form Haiti and takes them to his room. 
During all the fiasco his luggage is lost and ends up at a primate house – don’t ask – you have to read to find out why.  But the story then brings in another uber-rich man that Tina’s father wants to impress.  The story then devolves with the aid of marijuana laced brownies at the wedding dinner, Tina losing her cool and no longer caring about the poor and repressed, only her perfect wedding, two goon body guards, the Miami police, a pirate ship, and an Orangutan.
If that does not provide you with enough potential, the governor shows up to the wedding and is greeted by a man in a flamingo suit, a tourist ship is hijacked, and a cannon shoots frozen chicken nuggets. 
Get the book. 

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